Duitama, Colombia, Healing And Forgiveness Retreat with David Hoffmeister


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Mystic David Hoffmeister and members of the Living Miracles Community are coming to Duitama, Colombia for a weekend retreat! David is a living demonstration that peace is possible. He is world-renowned for his practical application of A Course in Miracles. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all, and the purity of his message points directly to the Source.

Share the weekend with David in the naturally beautiful setting of the Inaoska Eco Spa and enjoy lively teaching sessions, group experiential sessions, time for quiet and relaxation, and movie watching for healing. Make intimate connections with others devoted to practicing A Course in Miracles, and immerse in the Love!

Friday, November 24, 2017 - 3 p.m. to Sunday, November 26, 2017 - 1 p.m.

Inaoska Ecospá

Cost includes: retreat, meals, accommodation and $60USD non-refundable fee. To secure your place a non-refundable deposit is required. The balance is payable in full two weeks prior to the retreat, by November 10th.

Yolanda Stella Sossa Vivas
Phone: 315 3265970
Email: [email protected]

Juan Roberto Rodríguez González
Phone: 310 8574778
Email: [email protected]


Retreat Deposits, Cancellations & Refund Policy:
No refunds will be given for cancellations made within two weeks of the retreat. For cancellations due to unforeseen circumstances prior to the two week retreat date, the non-refundable fee will be retained by Living Miracles and the balance will be refunded.

Anjela Conway

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  • Anjela Conway
    rsvped +1 2017-05-11 02:59:10 -0600

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