Awakening through A Course in Miracles
A Healing Invitation from David Hoffmeister
We are inviting friends from around the world to hold hands of invisible light and with a powerful shared intention we will release old patterns of doubt, stress, and anxiety from our lives.
Where two or more are gathered,
there is the power of the universe!
What to expect from the Unwind Your Mind 30 Day Experience:
• An inspired teaching available every day!
• A 30-day detox for your mind!
• To live a more peaceful and loving life you must committedly clear the garbage from your head...
• Our support for you in doing just that!
Each week a new theme will be given. It could be money, addictions (yes we all have them!), how to truly communicate, or even... drumroll... sex! Yes all the things we deal with (or don't!) in our everyday life!
Every week includes an inspired teaching, an insightful movie clip and review, and David Hoffmeister's "Video of the Week." You will also receive inspired "Miracle Messages" as we make this inner shift into the light!
You will be gently guided on how to open your mind to the amazing healing power of the Spirit!
Sign up for this transformational
month-long, online experience today!

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