Take Me Home
workshop with David & Frances in Sedona, AZ

November 9 & 10 

During this beautiful weekend you will discover healing in mind through removing the obstacles to the awareness of Love’s Presence. The metaphysics of A Course In Miracles applied in a daily and most practical way are shared and demonstrated. Spiritual Awakening is a Calling of the heart, and the newly released movie
Take Me Home will be shown during the weekend, with extended setup and follow up sessions included.

About the Movie
The documentary Take Me Home features the inner work of people who have devoted their lives to the teachings of A Course in Miracles and to Awakening. The Awakening journey is one of exchanging darkness for light and accepting the Love that we are. The movie shows that when we lay down our masks and go toward each other with the intention of forgiveness, healing happens. Take Me Home is a testimony to a road less traveled—the road to freedom through trust, transparency and relationships. It provides a glimpse of how to live a loving and yet uncompromising life. 

About the Event
This will be a beautiful weekend event with 2 full days on Saturday and Sunday. 

Sedona Creative Life Center

To make the payment of $240 for the workshop, and sign up for the event visit livingmiraclessedona.com.

Saturday: 10am-1pm & 3pm-6pm
Sunday: 10am-1pm & 3pm-6pm

We look forward to seeing you in Sedona! 



We did an exercise before the movie and for me that cracked my heart open. That allowed me to participate in the film in a really important way. ~ Carol

There was a moment of remembering something long forgotten, a heart burst that wasn't of me, or caused by anything that "I" did. There was a deep recognition of something true that transcended what seemed to be appearing on the screen. ~ Emily

For me there are no words. For me it was a complete experience. ~ Mariam

It touched my heart beyond words. It is the best documentary I have ever, ever experienced in my life! Because of the honesty and the reality of it. ~ Silmar

For more information about
Take Me Home
, visit takemehomemovie.net.


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