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Developing Trust: Stepping out of Normal Patterns of Thought
David Hoffmeister and Paulinha Oliveira will be joining again on August 29th for a FREE ONLINE session with the theme: "Developing Trust: Stepping out of Normal Patterns of Thought".
The session will be hosted by Paulinha Oliveira, led by David Hoffmeister who will be accompanied by Frances Xu and Svava Love. This event is a beautiful collaboration between “Frequency of Love” and the Living Miracles community.
The theme "Developing Trust: Stepping out of Normal Patterns of Thought" is an invitation to go deeper into the teachings of A Course in Miracles and to discover the patterns of thought and belief that are blocking the experience of Love's Presence. You are warmly invited to join us!
Saturday, August 29th
1:00pm - 4:30pm CDT (click here to convert start time)
12:00pm - 3:30pm Utah (US)
2:00pm - 5:30pm Florida (US)
3:00pm - 6:30pm Brazil
7:00pm - 10:30pm Portugal
You can join us for an interactive session in Zoom(*) or live on YouTube here.
Fill out the form below. You will receive an autoreply email with the Zoom link.
This session will be in English with live Portuguese translation.
About David Hoffmeister
David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration that peace is possible. He has studied and taught the principles of A Course in Miracles for over 34 years. His gentle demeanor and articulate, non-compromising expression are a gift to all. David is world-renowned for his practical application of the non-dual teachings of the course. His clarity about the role of forgiveness in spiritual awakening and radical use of mindful movie-watching in the release of judgment is truly enlightening!
About Paulinha Oliveira
Paulinha is a student and facilitator of the teachings of A Course in Miracles. She is dedicated to helping people transcend their fears and limitations. She facilitates the reconnection with inner peace, joy, and love that everyone has in essence. Paulinha founded "Frequency of Love", a center of studies and practices for the expansion of consciousness, based on the principles of A Course in Miracles, with the purpose of giving the world re-minders that Love can be an incredible "other way" to live.
*There are limited spaces available in Zoom.
After you register, you will receive an auto-reply email with the Zoom link and basic instructions on how to join the meeting. You will need a computer, smartphone, or tablet with a good internet connection. For optimal audio quality, we recommend using a pair of headphones.
**By attending this event, you acknowledge that you may appear in video or audio footage that could be used publicly on our Spreaker and/or YouTube channels and/or social media. All content published by Living Miracles is used purely for the purpose of Awakening."