Come and enjoy a weekend in the presence of one who speaks from the Awakened Mind. David Hoffmeister is a living demonstration of the deep teachings of non-duality and A Course in Miracles. For those who feel a deep call for Awakening David is pure inspiration!
As well as deep sessions with David, there will be sharings with Messengers of Peace. Metaphysical movie sessions, music, and experientials will also be offered to enhance your retreat experience.
We look forward to an insightful and transformative weekend!
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2015 - Sun, 15 Mar 2015
Start time: 7:00 PM
End time: 4:00 PM
Suggested Donation for full retreat: $240
- Does not include meals or accommodation
- No one will be turned away who cannot afford to pay - please contact us
- Options available to only attend portions of the retreat
- Pre-registration required with $50 non-refundable registration fee,
- Ask about shared accommodation options!

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