New Britain, PA—Sunday Celebration and Workshop


Join Kirsten for the morning Sunday Celebration church service as we explore the topic and practical application of, "A Devotional Life with A Course In Miracles." Then grab lunch and come to the workshop afterwards for an opportunity to explore topics on the heart such as healing in relationships, spiritual guidance, how to forgive, and deepening in relationship with God/our Heart's desire. Kirsten exudes a profound wisdom and humility that touches the heart and lifts the spirit.

Please click here to view our flyer.

10:00am–12:00pm Sunday Celebration church service (Kirsten will be the guest speaker/musician)
1:30pm–3:30pm Workshop—Suggested Donation $30

Venue Website:

About Kirsten:

About the Book:

About the Tour (California & Midwestern and East Coast States):

Erik Archbold

Will you come?

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  • Erik Archbold
    posted about this on Facebook 2016-10-08 17:20:57 -0600
    Join me at this event with Kirsten Buxton in New Britain, PA—Sunday Celebration and "I Married a Mystic" Workshop! :-D
  • Erik Archbold
    rsvped 2016-10-08 17:19:59 -0600

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