Digital Sunday Service - A Course in Miracles Gathering

Join us live from Kamas, Utah this Sunday, December 20, 2015 at 11 a.m. (MST) for our weekly Digital Sunday Service - A Course in Miracles Gathering.

This is an invitation into the Miracle, as we rest together in Presence and devotion. Get to know the broader community, share your heart, and ask for insight about what you are facing this week.

To participate in this free event, just fill in the RSVP form below. You will receive a link to join the event immediately after RSVP'ing. Click this link when the event starts to join in. 

Important: This joining uses Zoom, which you may need to download to participate. Review these simple instructions for more information.

Check back soon for a link to last week's Digital Sunday Service.


More about Digital Sunday Services and LM Virtual:
You are invited deep into the intimacy and Presence of a devoted community. Join us live from Kamas where we share the joy of our joint purpose. We can’t do this alone, Awakening is a collaborative adventure! This is an organic experience, and Digital Sunday Service topics spring from our joint call. Enjoy illustrative movie clips and profound songs as we sink into the awareness that “only the truth is true.” The focus is on the practical application of the teachings of David Hoffmeister and A Course in Miracles

Digital Sunday Services are part of the new, fresh, and fun Living Miracles (LM) Virtual. LM Virtual offers online, interactive, planned, and spontaneous multimedia events and gatherings. Connect with David Hoffmeister and Living Miracles from wherever you are. We bring the Awakening Experiences to you! Digital Sunday Services, online retreats, virtual movie gatherings, Periscope broadcasts, and much, much more.

Learn more and sign up for our mailing list here

December 20, 2015 at 11:00am - 12pm
This is an online event.
Frances Romero

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  • Frances Romero
    rsvped 2015-12-20 11:04:47 -0700

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