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Come and experience the peace that dissolves the obstacles to the awareness of Love's Presence. This gathering will involve deep sharings and Q&A sessions.
David Hoffmeister has touched the lives of thousands with his consistently peaceful state of mind, radiant joy and dedication to Truth. He is a modern day mystic and non-dual teacher who has been invited to over 30 countries and 49 states to share the message of Love, Oneness and Freedom. His journey involved the study of many pathways culminating in a deeply committed practical application of A Course in Miracles.
Venue Website: www.torreamat.com
Session 1 10:00am - 2:00pm
Session 2 4:00pm - 8:00pm
€90 full day (includes CRUD/vegan meal)
€80 full day (without meal)
€40 half-day (without meal)
*English with Catalan Spanish translation
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