Cedar Rapids IA—Movie Gathering with Kirsten Buxton

I Married a Mystic is an intimate journey of transformation and radical self-inquiry with A Course In Miracles and prayer. Kirsten’s gatherings are an opportunity to relax into Presence, explore the relavent topics on our hearts, and be inspired to deepen on the journey. Having walked ‘through the darkness to the light’, Kirsten exudes a profound wisdom and humility that touches the heart and lifts the spirit.

Her movie gatherings are enlightening! She draws attention to specific metaphysical and healing themes and supports the allowance of healing through noticing judgments and allowing emotions.

Suggested Donation: $15

Please click here to view our flyer.

Venue Website: unitycr.org

About Kirsten: kirsten.i-am-one.net
About the Book: kirsten.i-am-one.net/i-married-a-mystic/
About the Tour (Midwestern and East Coast States): kirsten.i-am-one.net/up-coming-tour/


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