Now Available! Free New Book:
50 Years of Miracles
It has been 50 years since the scribing of A Course in Miracles was completed. This new book 50 Years of Miracles will include parables from the lives of the original founders, David Hoffmeister, and others who have stepped into their miracle working function.
Download your free copy in our online store here!
A parable from David:
I remember many years ago, I went to A Course in Miracles group in Michigan. It was a large group and the facilitator said, "Oh, David, I'm so glad you're here! We'd love to hear from you, and I really want to turn the group over to you tonight." So I was sitting in the group and I kept hearing the Holy Spirit say, "Wait." Everyone was in the room and the facilitator was saying, "Take it away!" But the Holy Spirit kept saying, "Wait." I began speaking, saying, "Thank you, everybody. I'm glad to be here. I'm going to talk to you about a few things..." But the Spirit still said, "Wait..." I didn't know what the waiting was for -I was ready to go! But the Spirit was still telling me, "Wait... wait... wait..." Then the door opened, and a woman walked through the door with tears in her eyes...