Topanga CA—A Full Day Event With Kirsten Buxton


Kirsten Buxton is a modern­ day mystic, spiritual teacher, and author who became devoted to awakening after a revelatory experience of such intense love that she realized nothing else mattered. In 2004 she was guided into a devotional practice of the modern-day spiritual text A Course In Miracles. Shortly after this she met mystic David Hoffmeister and joined him in the U.S., traveling and living a life in service to Christ. One of her many Spirit-led adventures involved learning to play the guitar, writing her first songs with two chords and then putting out an album all in one year!

This Fall Kirsten is traveling throughout the U.S. introducing I Married a Mystic to Course students. In her new book—a diary of radical self­-inquiry, she candidly exposes her fears, projections and private thoughts, whilst on her epic adventure in holy relationship. This profound and often humorous account is literally a 'how-­to' guide for not only inviting the Holy Spirit into every aspect of our life but also of daring to follow Guidance!

Her gatherings and book are an opportunity to explore holy relationship, how to apply the spiritual principles found in A Course in Miracles to daily life, as well as how to listen and follow the Spirit's guidance.

Cost: sliding scale $75 – $100 (please give from your heart - no one turned away for the lack of funds)

Please click here to view the event flyer.

About Kirsten:

About the Book:

About the Tour (California & Midwestern and East Coast States):

Jessica Rarey Susan Condon Rita Chance

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