Register for the "All-Day Movie Workshop" Membership!

Fill out the form below and check the amount box of $150 USD, this is our membership price per person.

Click "Continue to PayPal.” Even if you don't have a PayPal account, you can still pay with just a debit or credit card. If you run into any difficulties or have questions, contact us via email: [email protected].

After subscribing for your membership, you will be added to our weekly mailing list in which we will share the Zoom link for each upcoming movie gathering with you. Please check your inbox every Thursday to see if you have received our email.

– All payments are non-refundable.
– By subscribing to this membership, you acknowledge that you may appear in video or audio footage that could be used publicly on our Spreaker and/or YouTube channels and/or social media. All content published by Living Miracles is used purely for the purpose of Awakening.

Your credit card will be billed automatically every month

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