4 day retreat at La Casa de Milagros - The House of Miracles.
Join us for a celebration of Life! Christ’s Presence within our Heart is the Way, the Truth and the Life! The journey of awakening is one of following the tickle in our heart and being shown the way through miracles. We are so loved! We give up nothing to receive everything when we say Yes to God’s Plan!
“What is Heaven but a song of gratitude and love and praise by everything created to the Source of its creation? The holiest of altars is set where once sin was believed to be. And here does every light of Heaven come, to be rekindled and increased in joy. For here is what was lost restored to them, and all their radiance made whole again.” (T-26.IV.3.)
Event Fee: $285 USD*
Housing and Meals: from $195 - $435 USD*
Shared Room - $195 USD
Double Occupancy - $705 USD ($352.50 USD per person)
Private Room - $435 USD
* Contact us for Mexican residents cost

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