ACIM Gathering - A Complete Pathway for a Transformation of Consciousness, Nayarit, México, March 23, 2016

Witness how to tune into guidance from a loving source, live without fear and follow the true calling of your heart in every moment.

 Mystic Kirsten Buxton devoted her life to awakening after a mystical experience in which she discovered the Truth about Life, Love and Purpose. The Presence she speaks from is unmistakable.  

Together with Ricki Comeaux, a spiritual musician and teacher, they joyfully share direct experiences of their healing journey and practice with ACIM. Questions on any topic as an inroad to healing are welcome. Ricki’s songs are passionate and uplifting, Kirsten’s are devotional prayers that take you inward.

Suggested Donation - 200-400 pesos

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  • Ricki Comeaux
    is hosting. 2016-03-20 21:10:38 -0600

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