Deepening Into Presence

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Lisa Fair and Melanie Doyle invite you to join them for an experiential weekend, to delve into letting go of limiting beliefs and opening your mind to the direct experience of the Presence within. We will be going into the practical application of A Course in Miracles. Practical application of these teachings will allow for a total shift in perception and True Healing. Come join us in the Love!!

This is the first in a series of monthly retreats at La Casa de Milagros on the last weekend of the month. Cost includes all accommodations, meals and retreat activities. Pre-pay for three retreats and receive at 10% discount. Nobody will be turned away. 

Cost: 3,000 Mexican Pesos or 195 US Dollars

Click here to view a flyer for this event.

Additional Contact: Cathy Urroz (español)

Phone: 331-699-1350, Email: [email protected]

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$195.00 USD Full retreat fee
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